Gemma is native Irish. On a mission to save the world from boring fashion or generalized Fashion Fatigue by HAVING FUN!
Moving to New York 2.5 years ago was (and I must preface this as being a complete understatement) an emotional rollercoaster. A mixed bag, Mélange, Melting pot (or rather just a melt), of the most conflicting feelings in the days, weeks and months leading up to the big move. And still (perhaps to a lesser extent) to the present day.
Exhilaration. Terror.
Wonder. Shitting-my-pants.
Optimism. WTF am I doing?
Life goal fulfillment!
Endless possibilities!
WTF am I doing?
Turns out this emotional dichotomy was excellent training for the on the ground experience. Because that’s life in New York. It’s up and down. In different ways. Every day. I feel that most creative people are willing participants in a love / hate relationship with New York as they try to make their art and also do what needs to be done to pay rent.
“But you live in New York! Your life must be AMAZING!”
Well, the first part of that is true. The second part…well…it has its moments.
Casually and totally accidentally meeting fashion heroes Discount Universe in real life in a bar in Greenpoint. There now only being TWO degrees of separation between me and Anna Wintour (Anna I’m coming for you. It’s only a matter of time). Befriending fellow unicorns with whom to hang out and create. Feeling creatively fulfilled and constantly inspired to do more. Discovering Pooch of NYC. It’s not all bad.
I recently traveled to London for a shoot and was totally sold on its historical feel and architectural prowess (now I’m from Ireland so it’s not like I haven’t been there before). But this time it was different. Because I had the experience of New York to measure it against. And flying back, I had convinced myself that I wasn’t going to try and renew my visa and move to London before the end of the year. Next thing I’m in a cab coming from JFK and I’m presented with the Manhattan skyline and it’s game over. Who am I kidding? I’m not going anywhere…
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